Amiga Flame - News - Jobs, Jobs and more Jobs

Jobs, Jobs and more Jobs

Jobs in the Amiga's gaming world seem to be on the increase with development teams appearing all over the place putting together skilled and dedicated teams to develop games for Amiga Gamers.

Pagan Games, which are currently working on a number of titles such as Dafel:Bloodline, Scavengers and Magick are seeking new staff to work on these titles. They have vacancies for Amiga GUI and AI C++ Coders to work on Scavengers and Magick with an Amiga 3D PPC Coder also needed for these two games. They hope this position in particular will “be exciting and varied breaking the boundaries of Amiga 3D gaming”.

You can e-mail Pagan Games about any of the above positions at:-


Digital Visionaries Entertainment is looking for a programmer with C++ and/or ASM programming skills to help program their puzzle game, Kabuki Dash Zero. Experience with game development is strongly recommended. This individual must according to Michael Pittaro of Digital Visionaries Entertainment possess extensive knowledge of the following puzzle games: Super Puzzle Fighter II, Tetris, and Columns. Knowledge of the following fighting games is a must: Street Fighter II series

You can e-mail for more information about this vacancy by e-mailing Michael Pittaro of Digital Visionaries Entertainment at:-


Visit their web site at :-/

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